Welcome to Author Services Australia, Gabrielle Bassett, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.
Gabrielle Bassett is a scientist, mum, and author. Through her work, she does a lot of disability, diversity, and inclusion advocacy with staff and students. Jack, the boy in her story, Jack’s Best Day Ever!, is based on her son.
What inspired you to start writing?
I had always dreamed of writing a children’s book, and lockdown was the catalyst to kick-start that dream. At the time, I was finishing a large project at work around disability inclusion, yet at home, my neurodivergent son was facing challenges around reading, friendships, and learning.
So, I wanted to create a book that could help children to better understand some of our differences. But first and foremost, I wanted it to be a fun story for everyone to enjoy.
I also realised during lockdown that there was no diversity on our own bookshelf at home, so this aspect of my story was also very important to me.
What is your preferred genre to write in?
Children’s fiction so that my mind can run free, and I can teach my kids to use their imaginations.
What is your writing process?
A pretty chaotic one, if I am completely honest. I grab moments of time when I am not being asked for food or kicking a ball around the school with my kids. Life is busy, which I am sure all working parents can relate to, so it is difficult to set time aside and put the creative hat on.
But luckily, with this book, it was a topic that I am so passionate about, so the words just poured out – but then kept pouring. It was far too long in the draft, so it needed a lot of work refining it.
What is one thing you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started writing?
That book publishing takes a heck of a long time from the first time the idea comes into your head. You need to be very patient and trust in the process. Also, that it is truly a team collaboration.
Which book is your favorite and why?
At present, it is Runt by Craig Silvey. What a beautiful and wholesome tale of love and courage.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Julia Donaldson, Roald Dahl, and E.B White.
What are you working on right now?
I have a few picture books that I am working on and have just completed the Australian Writers Centre – Writing Children Novels, so I’m ready to test myself with a Junior Fiction or perhaps even longer.
What’s next for you as an author?
Who knows. I am just loving getting to know the Kidlit community and surrounding myself with inspiring, creative souls.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I have never been very good at this question. I get decision paralysis about where to live, what to do for work in years to come etc. I see myself just happy spending time with my family, challenging myself creatively, and trying to live a healthy lifestyle.
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
Better at proofreading? No, just kidding, I would love to have endless energy to fit more into the day.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview, Gabrielle Bassett! Please take a minute and check Gabrielle Bassett out on the links below! Need any assistance with self-publishing, such as ghostwriting, editing, formatting, cover design, or uploading? Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us directly. Our friendly and professional team is always happy to help.
Author Name: Gabrielle Bassett
Genre/s: Children’s Picture Book
Author Website: N/A
Social Media Links: Instagram
Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book: Wood Lane Press and Amazon
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It was a pleasure having Gabrielle Bassett for an author interview! Thanks!