Become an ASA Book Reviewer Today!
At Author Services Australia, we want you to become one of our exclusive book reviewers! If you feel like you’d make a great Australian book reviewer and love reading various genres, we’d love to have you join our team of book reviewers. Just contact us telling us that you’re interested in becoming a reviewer, and we’ll email you back with all the details. This is a voluntary position. We are building a team of Australian book reviewers that love reading and would like to read and review books by new Australian self-published authors.
One of the best things about self-publishing platforms such as Amazon KDP is that they allow authors to affordably send copies of their books to almost every country worldwide.
Getting reviews of books on platforms such as Amazon and Goodreads helps not only increase the visibility of books to potential readers and provides valuable feedback to the author, allowing them to make any adjustments or edits. Regardless of how much time we spend editing, it’s not uncommon for a sneaky edit or typo to make it through to the final manuscript.
What Does Being An Author Services Reviewer Mean?
If you love reading books, then you’re in luck! Once you email us with your name, preferred reading option (ebook or paperback), and favorite genres, we’ll organize to send you some wonderful Australian books to review.
You’re not obligated to review any of them, and we value your 100% honest review. We’ll also never send you any unsolicited books. We always check in with our reviewers first to ensure they’re suited to the genre and interested in reading and reviewing.
Being a book reviewer gives you not only early access to new-release books but also free books! We know free books are great, right? Once everything is said and done, you also get to keep the books for yourself, or if they’re physical copies, you can donate them to a Street Library or charity in your local area.
Sounds Great. How Do I Sign Up?
If being a book reviewer and getting free books sounds great to you, then send us an email and let us know you’re interested! You can fill out the information on the Contact Us page, and one of our team members will get back to you ASAP!
Our most popular genres are illustrated children’s books, children’s chapter books, fiction books, personal memoirs, and the occasional non-fiction.
Check out the ASA Books page to see some of the amazing Australian books that we currently have available for review!