Welcome to Author Services Australia, J D Williams, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.
J D Williams – born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, where I grew up and went to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, graduating with a degree in Communications. I also briefly lived in Kansas City, Missouri, and in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for several years, pursuing a career as a recording artist/songwriter.
My hobbies include songwriting/playing guitar, and running (mainly to clear my head so I can write). I have two sweet dogs – they’re called Carolina dogs – they look kind of like Dingos – one is apricot and the other white, and they look like shepherds with big ears. They are very sweet, quiet, and protective of their “pack.”
I have a passion for rescue dogs and spend some off time as a transport driver taking rescue dogs from one location to another on their way to their new home.
What inspired you to start writing?
I’ve always been creative, mainly as a songwriter, and I knew I wanted to be a writer from a very young age. In addition to singing and performing, I wrote nonfiction and fiction in college. However, I was always focused on getting a recording artist deal, which happened, but it fell apart.
So, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and continued songwriting where, after temporarily losing my voice to illness, I focused on writing stories; first a children’s book and eventually to my passion of writing contemporary romance which are music-based – my characters in the Julia Tate Song Series are surrounded and deeply involved in the music industry as artists and songwriters.
What is your preferred genre to write in?
I first fell in love with romance novels while reading Jude Deveraux’s books as a teenager. From rom-coms to the Outlander Series to Sparks books, romance is by far my favorite. I do enjoy some fantasy like “Game of Thrones” or general fiction, but romance is my favorite to read and write.
What is your writing process?
With the Julia Tate Song Series (trilogy), I started with an outline of what I wanted to write for all three books … but with the first book, “Bound by Song”, I sat down one day and just started writing.
With each book, I’ll put everything down, basically an entire book from start to finish over the course of several months, and then the editing process begins, and I’ll go back and edit, and edit, and edit. I worked with an editor to reshape the first book in the series a few times – which included taking it from third-person POV to first-person dual POVs … which was a painstaking process but so worth it.
The second book, “Born by Song,” is also initially written in the third person, so I’m going back through it now and changing to first person, dual POVs.
After I edit several times, I’ll send it to an editor for a manuscript analysis, then more editing, followed by a copy editor review, additional editing, and finally, I’ll send it to a proofreader and likely additional proof editing on my part. With this first book, “Bound by Song,” I didn’t go through the ARC or advanced reader copy process. But with the second book, I’ll likely go more through the beta/ARC process before releasing and promoting it.
What is one thing you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started writing?
I wish I had read more books like “Save the Cat Writes a Novel” or “Romancing the Beat” – both great books to help frame and make sure your book has the right arc and beats.
I highly recommend both.
What was the hardest part of self-publishing?
All the time it takes to self-promote, I don’t have enough time to do it all, especially on social media. And the same could be said for advertising. I’ve been testing different markets and platforms, and it can be overwhelming at times to try and put creative content out that looks professional and sparks the interest of readers – but you have to do it.
You have to work to break through the clutter and gain your readers and followers. ~ I couldn’t agree more. Not many authors, especially self-published authors, are fortunate enough to publish their book and have it be an instant success without putting in some hard work along the way.
Which book is your favorite and why?
That is too difficult of a question. LOL. Although I don’t have children, it’s like asking is I have a favorite pet … I can’t do it.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
I’m a huge Nicholas Sparks fan because you become invested in his characters and their dreams, sorrows, joys, and heartbreaks. He’s a wonderful storyteller. I also love the Diana Gabaldon “Outlander” series – the love story between Jamie and Claire transcends … literally. The first romance series I remember reading was Jude Deveraux’s Montgomery/Taggert series of books, “Highland Velvet,” “Velvet Song,” “The Velvet Promise,” etc.
What are you working on right now?
I’m editing and editing … I’m trying to get through at least 10 pages a day. It may not seem like much, but when you are doing a POV rewrite, it takes a lot of time. At the same time, I’m finishing up some new songs to go with the launch of the second book.
What’s next for you as an author?
To finish this second book, “Born by Song,” and cover release and launch it by December 1st, 2023, of this year. I’ll continue to promote both books and the new songs at the end of the year into 2024, as I’m working on book three in the series, “Blessed by Song.”
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
That’s easy; I’d fly. I’ve had several dreams in which I could fly, and it was amazing. I’d love to have that superpower.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview, J D Williams! Please take a minute and check J D Williams out on the links below! Need any assistance with self-publishing, such as ghostwriting, editing, formatting, cover design, or uploading? Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us directly. Our friendly and professional team is always happy to help.
Author Name: J D Williams.
Genre/s: Contemporary Romance, Women’s Romance/Fiction, Second-chance romance, and Rock-star romance.
Author Website: www.jdwilliamsbooks.com
Social Media Links: Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon Author Central.
Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book:
Amazon.com.au – https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BSZXZCKH
Amazon.com – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSZXZCKH
Thanks, Author Services Australia and Clayton for the wonderful interview! I so appreciate the support you give to indie authors. Take care! J. D. Williams 😊
You’re very welcome JD! It was a pleasure interviewing you and learning more about your journey!