Spiritual Transformation: A Self-Help Guide of Discovery and Personal Growth

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Spiritual Transformation: A Self-Help Guide of Discovery and Personal Growth

 Author: Cary L. Sinclair  Category: ASA Non-Fiction, ASA Self Help  Publisher: Self-Published  Published: June 13, 2023  Country: Australia  Buy Now
 Book Description:

I wrote this book because I wanted to offer a path to those seeking to transform their lives in a meaningful way, spiritually.

During the course of our lives we sometimes encounter experiences that can leave us with scars or wounds that can be both mental and physical depending upon the situation. It is these scars and wounds that we carry around with us, that serve to shape who we are today and who we become tomorrow.

If we choose not to deal with these scars and wounds through seeking professional help, energy healing, spiritual transformation, etc. they can become stumbling blocks to our future success and happiness.

Contained within this book, are a set of nine principles which I have come to embrace over the years, principles that have afforded me a path to spiritual transformation.

I offer these principles to you and hope that they make a difference in your life.

A section containing practical steps has been provided with each principle to help reinforce your understanding of the principle but also, seeks to aid in your embracing each principle.

In addition, meditation exercises conclude the learnings for each principle and take you to far-away lands where you have a further opportunity to embrace each principle whole heartedly. These far-away lands are sacred sites and it is hoped that within these sacred sites, you will feel the energies emitted which symbolically represent each principle.

It is hoped that through regular meditation you will one day personify each principle.

Consideration has been given to those readers who on their journey to embrace the principles contained in this book, find it challenging and / or are unable to embrace a principle, are provided with a healing modality that includes a method of discovery and clearing of energetic blockages.

If you are able to embrace the principles and complete the discovery and clearing process successfully, you will be on the path to achieving a spiritual transformation.
