Author Interview with Australian Author Marg Gibbs

Author Services Australia - Author Interview - Australian Author Marg Gibbs

Author Interview with Australian Author Marg Gibbs

Welcome to Author Services Australia Marg Gibbs, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.

Hello. My name is Marg, short for Margaret. I grew up in Graceville, Brisbane, and found my happy place as a retiree in Mapleton on the Blackall Ranges. I love art, nature, making collages, reading, travel, and writing for children.Author Services Australia - Marg Gibbs - Goose on Christmas Eve

What inspired you to start writing?

I love words and language. I have always written poems and stories. Finding beautiful books to read in the library inspired me to write.

What is your preferred genre to write in?

I love all the genres because it grows me as a person and writer.

What is your writing process?

I brainstorm and gather ideas like a mind map. I read and write down favourite phrases that sound lovely. I write in notebooks and on the computer in the mornings and late afternoons.

I have folders of manuscripts in hard copy and use these to edit and edit as I go on the computer. I have frequent coffee and tea sips.

What was the hardest part of self-publishing?

Finding the best help and negotiating prices for the work.

What are you working on right now?

I have finished a middle-grade fantasy adventure quest set in two worlds. It’s been exciting and challenging.

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?

To step inside the brains and minds of brilliant authors and illustrators such as Chris Riddell and Roald Dahl (UK), Tim Winton (AUST), and Kate di Camilo (USA).

Where is your ultimate holiday destination?

Scotland, Italy, and near a vineyard in southern France.

What are some of the items on your bucket list?

To travel to New York, India, scares me, but it’s on the list, and to take all my grandchildren on an ocean cruise in the Pacific. (with some parents).

Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview with us Marg Gibbs!

Check out where you can buy Marg Gibbs books below and how to follow Marg on social media. If you would like to do an author interview or have questions about our author features, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Author Name: Marg Gibbs

Genre/s: Picture book, JF, MG, and Poetry.

Author Website:

Social Media Links: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book:


At Author Services Australia, we support Australian, New Zealand, and International self-published authors and writers with a full range of affordable self-publishing services, including ghostwriting, copyediting, developmental editing, proofreading, ebook and paperback formatting, book cover design, children’s book illustrations, graphic design services, manuscript uploading assistance, and social media and marketing.

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Author Services Australia - Author Spotlight - Marg Gibbs

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