Welcome to Author Services Australia, Louise Murchie, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.
I was born in Scotland but left there when I was 8, so I still have the Scottish twang, but it’s been softened by the Birmingham one. I live just outside of Birmingham now with an ever-suffering husband and three kids.
What inspired you to start writing?
Honesty, Lockdown 2020. I suddenly had time to read, but no libraries were open. KU was, and I discovered a few authors. With ideas now swimming around in my head & the time to write (Because we couldn’t go anywhere), I wrote what I wanted to write.
What is your preferred genre to write in?
Definitely contemporary. The cinnamon-roll MCs, the second-chances, and later-in-life all got added later. I had NO idea what tropes were when I started.
What is your writing process?
When the ideas hit, I write. Usually in the evening when dinner is over with. I prefer silence or ambient noise, so the chickens in the yard making their noises and the sound of the pond gurgling help take the absolute silence away.
What is one thing you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started writing?
Just how important an editor is, then your beta readers. You need a team and it’s finding the team to help you make the most of your books, your work and having a confidence in you because there will be days when you sure as heck do not see it in yourself.
What was the hardest part of self-publishing?
How hard marketing was/is! Honestly, I knew it would be tough, but not this tough! Doesn’t help that I am doing it all, but then, I like that control
If you use a pen name, why and how did you come up with it?
I do use a pen name, and mine is from one of my great-grandmothers; it’s her maiden name. My kids were school-age (two of them are), and I didn’t want their last names on the covers.
Which book is your favorite and why?
I have far too many favourite books by too many brilliant authors to name them all, but N Dune’s Beyond the Tide Series, Jolie Vines Marry The Scot series, all by Melony Ann (I’m working through her back catalogue)… honestly, there are too many!
Who are some of your favorite authors?
As above, N Dune, Jolie Vines, Melony Ann, Darley Collins, Annie Charm, Nikki A Lamers, Stacy Kristen, Billie Jade Kermack, Brooke Burton, Samantha Michaels… do you want my TBR listings?
What are you working on right now?
A small anthology piece that is kicking my butt. 80k novels, no problem. 10k, complete story?! Yikes!
How do you handle a bad review?
I read them, and I’m like: why did you bother to write it if you didn’t enjoy it? I skim them and treat them like a baboon’s butt: just because I’ve seen it doesn’t mean I have to do anything about it.
What’s next for you as an author?
I have a few anthology pieces coming out in 2025, and I doubt I’ll get my Christmas-themed ones out in time for Christmas 2024. But we’ll see!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself as being more successful than I am right now!
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
I’m already empathic; not sure I want another!
Where is your ultimate holiday destination?
Anywhere by the sea with woodlands, with decent weather!
What are some of the items on your bucket list?
To attend a signing in the USA and meet my PA face-to-face.
To be as successful as Nora Roberts, Jackie Collins, Carole Matthews, Angela Marstons and Karen Lynch
Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview, Louise Murchie!
Check out where you can buy Louise Murchie’s books below and how to follow Louise Murchie on social media. If you would like to do an author interview or have questions about our author features, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Author Name: Louise Murchie
Genre/s: Contemporary, Second Chance, and Later-in-life.
Author Website: louisemurchie.com
Social Media Links: Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon Author Central.
Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book: Lousie Murchie Novels
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