Welcome to Author Services Australia, Anthony Kearle, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.
What inspired you to start writing?
I have always loved reading fiction – especially fantasy. Some of my earliest memories were of mum reading Harry Potter to me. As I grew up, I started reading series such as Deltora Quest, Rangers Apprentice, and Percy Jackson. I found a love for mythology, and not long after that came my love for history. I often read historical fiction (thanks to Simon Scarrow’s ‘Eagles Of The Empire’ series) as well as Sci-Fi. Predominantly the old Star Wars Expanded Universe. It wasn’t until I read ‘Sasha’ and the rest of the ‘A Trial Of Blood And Steel’ series by Joel Shepherd that I truly found my passion for fantasy. Gritty. Grounded. Real. Low Fantasy. Stories driven by character motivation rather than an epic quest. Stories where there is no good and evil.
It was that style that truly inspired me.
During my high school and university years, I followed my heart and pushed myself into the artistic and graphic design world. When I turned 21, I wrote a small scene from the perspective of a character called Kitara. I had never done much writing before and wanted to learn more about her, about the other characters in the story, and about the world from which they were from. I used my graphic skill to create a map and then spent a year delving into my study. I researched EVERYTHING. Religions, medieval cultures, ancient laws, weaponry, ships, naval combat, medieval sword combat, foods and medicines, mythology, and fairy tales. I wanted to build a rich and realistic world with hundreds of years of history, events, legends, myths, cultures, and so very much more. After a year of world-building, the land of my story was created – at least its foundation was. The rest would grow as my story developed.
The character of Astrid came into my head. I wrote her introduction chapter. Lukas Raynor and Kyler Landrey followed. ‘Blood Of The Eagle’ and ‘An Echo Of The Ashes’ had begun…
What is your preferred genre to write in?
I have only really written fantasy. However, I would love to give historical fiction, historical fantasy, or even sci-fi a go one day!
What is your writing process?
My writing process is pretty simple. I put on my headset, open my playlist and just start writing. I match songs (usually soundtracks) to scenes/chapters to help set the tone. If I can’t visualize what I write, then I won’t write it. For me, it has to seem real, regardless of the fantasy elements within. I like to jot down notes on my phone. These can be broad notes such as the weather in a scene, the terrain, or who is there. The notes could also be direct quotes, lines, or passages of text. As soon as I arrive home, I copy all the notes into my Word document beneath the chapter title they will be in.
Sometimes I will write out of order depending on my mood. Perhaps I will be inspired to write chapter 30 when I have only completed the first 15. I will chop and change bits or add more detail and lines later. I suppose there is no real method to the madness…I just love to write!
What is one thing you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started writing?
I wish that I had spent more time studying grammar! As something that barely seems taught anymore, yet is so integral to writing, it astounds me that people often don’t find out about it until they enroll in some kind of writing course in university. I received some interesting comments from my first editor!
What was the hardest part of self-publishing?
The hardest part about self-publishing and publishing in general for me will always be marketing. I understand fully how important it is, but having the urge to write at all times can really draw my attention away! That and the unknown. Without the right set-up and research, it doesn’t matter how good your writing is. If you can’t get it out there, you will be stuck.
Which book is your favorite and why?
My favourite book would be ‘Sasha’ by Joel Shepherd. For me, this novel and the rest of the 4 book series started me on my own writing journey and will forever have a place in my heart.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
My favourite authors include Joel Shepherd, Simon Scarrow, Mathew Reilly, Margaret Weiss, Tracy Hickman, and of course, JRR Tolkien.
What are you working on right now?
The sequel series to ‘An Echo Of The Ashes’ titled ‘Ballad Of The Wolf’
I am having a lot of fun exploring new characters and lands while at the same time reintroducing characters that I hadn’t written in over a year. In their world, 3 years have passed since the ending of ‘An Echo Of The Ashes’.
What’s next for you as an author?
What’s next for me? Continuing my journey through ‘An Echo Of The Ashes’ and beyond!
Book II of ‘An Echo Of The Ashes’ releases this November. ‘Shadow Of The Nightingale’ is bigger, darker, and grittier than the first.
Book III is the conclusion of the trilogy, and I have already completed the manuscript.
Last year I also spent 8 months writing the prequel and creating new characters for a century-old event that changed everything in my world. This is a smaller 350-page book that, while being fantasy, is also a tragedy.
I am currently writing the sequel series and have a number of smaller stand-alone books planned. I really want to delve into this world and explore various characters across thousands of years of history. I wish to discover the truths behind old legends and stories, as well as explore descendants of particular bloodlines in my first trilogy.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In 5 years, I would love to be writing full-time. If I am able to one day be able to support my family and myself…that is the dream. I love being able to share not just my work but writing in general with others. I love speaking at panels and workshops, so maybe I will delve more into that.
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower, I would love to have the ability to time travel…to walk through the Library Of Alexandria, to see the Colosseum in its glory, visit Renaissance Venice and sail with the pirates of Nassau.
What an adventure that would be!
Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview, Anthony Kearle! Please take a minute and check Anthony Kearle out on the links below! If you would like to do an author interview, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Author Name: Anthony Kearle
Genre/s: Low Fantasy
Author Website: N/A
Social Media Links: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book: Blood of the Eagle