Welcome to Author Services Australia, author Eliza Renton, and welcome to our author interviews! If you could start by introducing yourself to everyone, let them know where you’re from and some of your interests and hobbies.
What inspired you to start writing?
Initially, when I was a child, I wrote poetry as a much-needed escape. Later, I studied English literature and always dreamed of being a great writer. As a grown-up, I enjoy writing stories about people having the courage and the desire to find their soul mate and walk together into a positive future. Yes! I’m a card-carrying romantic.
What is your preferred genre to write in?
Romantic Suspense. I love writing about strong male and female characters. Love takes courage.
I write almost every day for about six hours, usually in the afternoon. I am fortunate to have a study/sanctuary where I can surround myself with photos, mementos, books, etc. Anything that is important to me. A burning candle always keeps me company. Music must be playing. I enjoy creating playlists for my books and sharing them with readers.
What is one thing you wish you knew now that you didn’t know when you started writing?
How addictive writing is once you start. I get itchy fingers when I can’t exercise them on the keyboard. I also love going for a walk, stopping at a café, and pulling out my favourite notebook and pen.
What was the hardest part of self-publishing?
Getting up two hours earlier in the morning so I can take care of the business side of Indie Publishing. Creating and posting social media posts is very time-consuming. One day, when I am earning squillions from my books, so very few authors ever, I will outsource this part of the writing process.
Which book is your favorite and why?
There are so many. It’s hard to choose one. However, I have a very worn version of Jane Eyre, given to me as a prize in high school. I love the dark, brooding, gothic atmosphere of the book and, of course, the love story. A true romance because there is the obligatory happy ending.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Charlotte Bronte, D.H. Lawrence, T.S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, John Wyndham (oldies but goodies), Em Petrova, Makenna Jamieson, Janie Crouch (contemporary, in my genre), Sulari Gentill (Australian crime writer).
What are you working on right now?
The second book in my Sentinel Security NYC series. Trigger and Charlie’s story.
What’s next for you as an author?
I’d love to be able to have a few books available in other languages and in audio format. Ah, the dream.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In a small house by the sea, with a German shepherd dog for company, staring out the window at rolling waves writing my stories.
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
This is hard, lol. A combination: Invisible psychic.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do an author interview, Eliza Renton! Please take a minute and check Eliza Renton out on the links below! If you would like to do an author interview, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Author Name: Eliza Renton
Genre/s: Romantic Suspense
Author Website: https://www.elizarenton.com
Social Media Links: Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon Author Central, and BookBub.
Best Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book: Amazon and Books2Read.