Where do your writing ideas come from, and what gets your creative juices flowing?
As a writer, it’s often hard to develop writing ideas for stories, characters, or even plots. Right now, I have just finished a children’s chapter book. The next step is editing, then formatting for interior design, illustrations, cover, and publishing. It’s always great to check off one book and prepare for the next, but what’s next?
If you’re searching for methods to increase your writing output, How To Boost Your Writing Productivity covers some practical tips, tricks, and ideas.
Sometimes It’s Easy, but Often It’s Not
When you’re working on a series of books with established characters and environments, it’s a little bit easier. This is because you already have a lot to work with and various ways to branch off and explore. However, when you’re working with a new book, there’s a lot of groundwork that needs to be laid before you get started.
It’s really easy to get sidetracked. Well, for me, anyway. One minute, I’m writing a blog; the next minute, I’m Googling different places I could visit for a holiday. Totally unrelated to whatever I initially started searching for. The next minute, it’s three hours later, and my planned work for the day is completely gone to ruin. See, this blog is already slightly off-track.
Sometimes, I find it beneficial to sit in front of the computer and start writing down ideas. If you prefer, you could do it the old-fashioned way with a pen and paper. However, everyone is different, so finding the best method for you is always going to be more productive.
While you’re sitting inside during the cold winter months, it could be a great time to get some writing done.
How Do You Get Your Writing Ideas? | Conclusion
I’d love to know how other writers come up with their ideas. Do you actively research potential book ideas or wait for inspiration to strike? Comment below with your strategy. You could assist a future bestseller.
If you have any questions about the self-publishing process, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
At Author Services Australia, we support Australian and New Zealand self-published authors and writers with a full range of affordable self-publishing services, including ghostwriting, copyediting, developmental editing, proofreading, ebook and paperback formatting, book cover design, children’s book illustrations, graphic design services, manuscript uploading assistance, and social media and marketing.
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