Is Facebook The Same As A Website? Common Questions that New Authors Ask Blog Series

Is Facebook The Same As A Website? Common Questions that New Authors Ask Blog Series

For many new authors, Facebook is their first attempt at a web presence but is a social media giant a replacement for a blog or website?


As a new author, it’s understandable that you have a lot of questions. We were all in the same boat at one stage, and getting answers to questions like ‘Is Facebook the same as a website?’ is just one of the questions that new authors commonly ask. The important thing is to understand that you will have questions. You won’t know everything at once.

I have been self-publishing books now for almost a decade and I’m still learning. Yep, seven years later, and still learning! That’s where building an author network can become vital. In this blog series, we will cover some of the commonly asked questions that many new authors have!

In this blog, we’re going to be taking a look at the difference between having Facebook and a website. We’ll also look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of having one or the other for Australian and New Zealand self-published authors.

Author website or no website? That’s what we’re looking at in this article. If you’re an author looking to take your social media to the next level, check out this article, 9 Post Ideas for Author’s Social Media, and if you need any assistance with author social media and marketing services, don’t hesitate to contact us at Author Services Australia.


Is Using Facebook The Same As Having a Website?

Is Facebook The Same As A Website? - Facebook LogoIt’s easy to think that setting up your Facebook platform and then posting content such as blogs and other social media posts is the same as a website. However, there are some serious problems with simply having a social media presence and no website.

Sure, in the very beginning, when you’re just getting started as an author, Facebook could be a temporary solution, but that’s all it ever should be. Temporary. Check out our reasons why below!

Facebook isn’t an alternative to having your own blog or website, and here is why:

            • Not everyone uses Facebook – For someone to access your posts on Facebook, they must sign up to be a Facebook member. While a large percentage of the population uses Facebook regularly, not everyone wants to sign up for social media accounts.
            • No control over your own accounts – It doesn’t take much to find yourself in Facebook jail these days. The platform is increasingly becoming more controlling over what it allows people to post and maintaining what it considers community standards. Even the smallest post can be reported by someone trolling you and end up with your account being temporarily or permanently disabled. Once something like that happens, it can be extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to get access to your account.
            • Facebook isn’t forever – Despite being one of the most popular, if not the most popular social media sites, younger people are starting to move away from Facebook. It never bodes well to have all your eggs in one basket. When you have your own website, you’ll always have access to your content. Ownership of content is key.
            • Authors should have their own brand – Having your own website means that you aren’t restricted to what you can post. You can create your own style, colors, and photos, and best of all, allow your readers to discover the real you. You aren’t limited by social media censorship or restrictions. If you publish adult content such as erotica, this can be a big deal.


What Other Options Are There?

You may be surprised to learn that there are a bunch of options available when it comes to free websites that you can build yourself. Yes, free websites that you can build yourself. Of course, you’re not going to get the dream website building one for free, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised and what you can do with extraordinarily little knowledge and at no cost. It’s important to keep your expectations realistic.

Some of the website builders that allow you to host and build your own website for free include WordPress, Yola, Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly. For a few hundred dollars, you can get a great website built if you work with a freelancer off websites such as Fiverr or Upwork. If you can’t afford the upfront cost, then budget. Put a few dollars a week away until you have the budget you need to get started.


Is Facebook The Same As A Website? Common Questions that New Authors Ask Blog Series

Websites can appear quite intimidating. However, the truth is with so much information available online and video tutorials on YouTube; almost anyone can build their own website! It’s actually a lot easier than you think. Yes! Anyone can build a website with the right tools and information.

If you have built your own website and would like to share how you did it with the author community, then please don’t hesitate to comment below and share your idea! We’d love to showcase your author website to other new authors. Perhaps your tips could mean the difference between success and failure. Information is power, but it’s a great feeling to help another author.

Do you have any questions about the self-publishing process? Please don’t hesitate to contact us

At Author Services Australia, we support Australian and New Zealand self-published authors and writers with a full range of affordable self-publishing services, including ghostwriting, copyediting, developmental editing, proofreading, ebook and paperback formatting, book cover design, manuscript uploading assistance, social media and marketing.

If you’ve made the switch from Facebook to an author’s website and have any tips for other Australian self-published authors, drop a comment below. We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to avoid missing out on any future author news and updates.

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